Healthy, loving relationships in a nutshell.

Imagine attempting to bake a cake without its core ingredients? Well, that’s what so many of us attempt to do with dating and progressing into a relationship. We have criteria, lists and ‘types’ that ignore or deprioritise what we truly need, desire and deserve. As a result, we often find ourselves in unfulfilling or even unhealthy relationships. Of course, we weren’t taught this stuff growing up and the likes of dating apps reinforce the very patterns we need to break out of. In this illuminating class, I share what you need to embody and seek in partners if you want to be in a genuinely loving, lasting relationship.

What I cover:
  • The 5 core components of mutually fulfilling loving, healthy relationships.
  • Some of the classic assumptions we make about dating and the early stages of a relationship that inadvertently cause us to ‘bake’ our relationships without some or any of the core components.
  • The core ingredients that unhealthy, unfulfilling and incompatible relationships share.
  • What intimacy is, why it comes from all of the components, and how we inadvertently sabotage it through the ways we approach dating and relationships.
  • How to know if your relationship has the core components.

  • Readying for Love is episode 1 of 6 of my Relationship Fundamentals series. Includes a replay of the Q&A session.

    **Note that this class is included as part of Reclaimer Membership. You can also get it for free if you are a paid subscriber of On Knowing Yourself.
      1. Watch the class

      2. Q&A replay

      3. Relationship Fundamentals series info

    About this class

    • £79.00
    • 3 lessons
    • 2 hours of video content

    Discover your relationship potential, starting today

    Who’s teaching this?

    Natalie Lue

    I’m writer of one of the longest-running self-help, dating and relationship blogs in the world, Baggage Reclaim, and author of five books including Mr Unavailable and the Fallback Girl, The No Contact Rule, and The Joy of Saying No (Harper Horizon). I’ve spent two decades helping people who struggle with emotional unavailability, shady relationships, and settling for crumbs to break the cycle so that they reclaim themselves and experience more love, care, trust, and respect. I’ve been featured and quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Observer, BBC, ITV’s Lorraine, NPR, and many more.