For people pleasers tired of settling and ready for mutually fulfilling relationships.

“Amazing! I’ve experienced a big shift and feel more mindful and clear while dating. I used to override myself so much, and I can see that part of myself so clearly now and rein in my people-pleasing tendencies. I’m actually enjoying dating now!” – Jacqueline, UK

Here are some situations I know probably sound familiar to you:

  • Stuck in a cycle of attracting emotionally unavailable and even shady partners.

  • You feel exhuasted and are constantly second-guessing yourself after dates. Am I good enough? Are they the one? Am I gonna get hurt if I let myself fall for them? Are we really compatible?

  • You keep trying to be the perfect partner to every person you’re with but it ends up building resentment, especially when they mistreat you, won’t commit or pick someone else.

  • Despite your best efforts, you find yourself settling for less and less than you know you deserve… over and over.

  • You crave a loving, secure relationship but you have no idea how to break out of the painful pattern you’re in.

I know. I know. You might think:

  • You’re too broken to ever find love.
  • You’ve tried everything and think another course won’t help.
  • That you’re destined to settle for less.
  • You must have done something wrong, that you must deserve what you’ve been through.
  • You’re doing something to make people not want to show up for you.

  • None of this is true

    It's not your fault if you've struggled to find love using the lessons and tactics learned earlier in life. We've all internalised some pretty confusing and downright messed-up ideas about dating, love, and relationships. It's time to change this.

    This series of classes is for you if...

    • You're serious about being in a serious relationship and want to build your confidence and know-how.

    • You feel confused, anxious, frustrated and even a bit weary about dating because you don't know where you're 'going wrong'.

    • You want to supercharge your relationships and break with the past.


    • Embrace Self-Assurance: Navigate the dating scene with newfound confidence so you’re saying yes to those aligned with your values and needs and no to those who aren’t.

    • Cultivate Deeper Connections: Show up intentionally by being more honest about who you are, including not hiding your needs, wants, and nos so you experience genuine compatibility.

    • Optimise Your Energy: Ease up on the people pleasing and cease investing time and emotions into fruitless relationships, reclaiming your focus and self-worth.

    • Navigate Relationship Challenges: Identify and address personal stumbling blocks and learn some of the practicals of embodying healthier boundaries to avoid repeating familiar pitfalls in relationships

    • Foster Self-Reliance: Build a foundation of self-trust to alleviate feelings of anxiety, frustration, and disillusionment in dating and relationships.

    Course curriculum

      1. Prefer listening to classes? Subscribe to the private podcast feed

      2. Subscribe to the calendar of the classes and Q&A

      3. Readying for Love Masterclass

      4. The Compatibility Factor

      5. Overcoming Dating Anxiety

      6. Could This Be It?

      7. Know Where You Stand

      8. Co-piloting Your Relationship: Embracing Healthy Boundaries

      1. Readying for Love Q&A replay

      2. The Compatibility Factor Q&A replay

      3. Overcoming Dating Anxiety Q&A replay

      4. Know Where You Stand (and Could This Be It?) Q&A replay

      5. Co-piloting Your Relationship Q&A replay

    About this course

    • $450.00
    • 13 lessons
    • 10.5 hours of video content

    Pricing options

    Save 25% on the six classes when you purchase the series. Pay in full or spread your payments.


    • 60-80 minute video masterclasses with captions
    • Audio versions of the classes to listen on the go
    • Transcripts in case you want to read through the class
    • PDF resources (where applicable)
    • Access to the private Facebook community where you can ask questions and get feedback


    • Readying for Love. In this illuminating class, I break down what it takes to create, forge and sustain mutually fulfilling relationships so that no matter what draws you to somebody, you don’t get sidetracked from building loving, caring, trusting and respectful relationships.

    • Are They the Right One for You?: The Compatibility Factor I’m going to break down compatibility, including core values and the importance of meeting your needs, so you can recognise who’s right and know when to walk away.

    • Overcoming Dating Anxiety: Navigating the Early Stages with Confidence and Authenticity Through a powerful framework, you’ll learn how to navigate the early stages of dating with authenticity, vulnerability, and self-trust. Discover what you need to know to proceed and when the right time is to ask critical questions.

    • Could This Be It? Recognising Loving Partners and Healthy Relationships We’ll dive deep into the four essential qualities of loving partners and explore the key landmarks of healthy, thriving relationships. We’ll also address recognising warning signs you need to address something and/or incompatibility.

    • Know Where You Stand: Intimacy and the 5 Stages of Relationships By understanding the natural progression of intimacy and the markers of each relationship stage, you’ll be empowered to communicate your needs more effectively, show up from a place of genuinely wanting your relationship to be intimate, and navigate your connections with clarity and confidence.

    • Co-piloting Your Relationship: Embracing Healthy Boundaries Learn the boundary basics, gain the skills and confidence to be yourself, communicate your needs, say no and express limits when necessary, and navigate conflict with grace and resilience.

    “I wish I’d learned all of this thirty years ago, but I’m still so grateful to know this now. For the first time, I feel okay, enough, and hopeful about love. Thank you. ” – Miriam, Canada


    Natalie Lue

    I’m writer of one of the longest-running self-help, dating and relationship blogs in the world, Baggage Reclaim, and author of five books including Mr Unavailable and the Fallback Girl, The No Contact Rule, and The Joy of Saying No (Harper Horizon). I’ve spent two decades helping people who struggle with emotional unavailability, shady relationships, and settling for crumbs to break the cycle so that they reclaim themselves and experience more love, care, trust, and respect. I’ve been featured and quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Observer, BBC, ITV’s Lorraine, NPR, and many more.


    • Do I attend the class live?

      Classes are recorded and ready for you to watch within minutes of completing your purchase.

    • What is the format of classes?

      Classes are 60-80 minutes in a video format with captions, plus each has an audio version and transcript.

    • Can you help me with my dating/relationship issue?

      Yes. Access to my private Facebook community is included, plus you will receive a bonus invite to a Q&A session.

      Q&As are to answer questions related to the classes and also to help troubleshoot and resolve issues participants are wrestling with. You can also post in the private Facebook group where I’m an active participant, plus you can get really helpful feedback from members. However, given that it’s a Q&A/Facebook groups, it won’t be individual coaching sessions for each participant! If you want more in-depth guidance on personal matters, you can book consultation sessions with me.

    • How do I access my class(es)?

      I host all of my classes at When you log in, you can see your class(es) in your dashboard. If you’ve taken any of my courses or classes in the last three years, it will be the same access information as previously. Should you have trouble logging in or not receive your access info, please hit reply on your purchase email and we’ll get the issue rectified quickly.

    • I can’t afford the class/series but really want to do it. How do I apply for a bursary or scholarship?

      If you cannot pay because of financial hardship, please email natalie AT (replace AT with @) Choose the applicable subject line: ‘scholarship’ (unable to pay) or ‘bursary’ (able to pay some money). You don’t need to go into the ins and outs; I appreciate you might be going through difficulties and it’s hard when you feel as if you’ve got to lay yourself out. Just a brief note about needing to apply and which class(es) will more than suffice. You will receive a reply within 2-3 working days.

    • How do I know which class is best for me?

      Each class description (above) includes the core topic and the main themes the class speaks to. If you want to get an overview of how to co-create and sustain healthy, intimate, loving relationships, the first class, Readying for Love, is a great place to start. Otherwise, pick the area(s) you want to troubleshoot. Not sure? Drop me an email at natalie AT Classes are available individually for US$100 or as the series of six for US$450 (saving 25%). I’ve designed the classes to be great standalones as well as within the series. You don’t need to have watched previous or all of the classes to benefit from one. Obviously, if you feel as if dating and relationships have been a bit of a bust for you, the entire series is the ideal one to go for. Remember, each class targets a specific area of dating and relationships. Check the class list and see which ones resonate. If there’s one that makes you want to avoid the topic, that’s probably the one you need the most!

    • I have Reclaimer Membership/All-Access. Does it include Relationship Fundamentals?

      Yes, it does. Log in to your membership, and you will see it in your dashboard.

    • This hasn't worked for me in the past. I've taken another course and it didn't work.

      I hear you. I think plenty of us have signed up for classes and courses we didn’t actually use or that failed to deliver on their original promise. Much like going on disappointing dates and experiencing breakups doesn’t mean you shouldn’t write off the possibility of successfully dating and enjoying a healthy, loving, intimate relationship (I’m living testament it takes just one person in the end!), don’t write off the opportunity to find support and resources to help you take care of your needs and desires. And I mean that regardless of whether you take these classes or not. I have a unique and well-developed take on relationships, with twenty year’s experience working with clients and getting under the hood of relationships and what makes people tick. You won’t be just hearing same old same old. What you learn in these classes means you won’t have to approach dating and relationships like a headless chicken anymore. No, I can’t live your life for you or deliver a partner and relationship to your door, but what I am offering are accessible and actionable insights, frameworks and tips that give you guardrails to get on with the business of being you while dating or being in a relationship – and all in a quick class format. You can also gain support within the private Facebook group if you have questions.

    • I'm taking a break from dating right now, so I don't know if these classes are right for me.

      I’m a big advocate of taking a dating hiatus, so good for you. Now could be the perfect time to take these classes when you have space from being on the apps or being involved with someone. Prepare for dating in the future. With my classes, you can do the work upfront of getting clear about what you need and want as well as where you’ve maybe had blind spots so that you know what to walk away from and what to say yes to.

    Show up for the relationship you need, desire and deserve, starting today