If you feel confused, anxious or frustrated by dating and relationships, you're not alone.

It's not your fault. We've all been socialised and conditioned into some pretty messed-up ideas about finding romantic love.

Many of us have chased ‘types’ that are a mish-mash of outdated tropes and biases along with aspects of our parents and caregivers. We’ve learned to ignore the fundamental requirement of genuine compatibility and meeting our emotional needs while being ourselves.

This transformative series of classes is designed to help anxious, confused and disillusioned daters and relationship strugglers cultivate a deeper sense of self-confidence and create fulfilling, healthy, loving relationships by sharing fundamentals and frameworks that most of us wish we’d learned before embarking on romantic relationships.
  • Embrace self-assurance

  • Cultivate deep, compatible connections

  • Transform your dating and relationship habits

This series of classes is for you if...

  • You're serious about being in a serious relationship and want to build your confidence and know-how.

  • You feel confused, anxious, frustrated and even a bit weary about dating because you don't know where you're 'going wrong'.

  • You want to supercharge your relationships and break with the past.


  • Embrace Self-Assurance: Navigate the dating scene with newfound confidence, armed with a clear understanding of your identity and desires.

  • Cultivate Deeper Connections: Approach relationships with confidence and intimacy, equipped with insights into compatibility and mutual fulfillment.

  • Discernment in Action: Recognise when to invest effort and when it’s time to gracefully step away from situations that don’t align with your needs.

  • Optimise Your Energy: Cease investing time and emotions into fruitless relationships, reclaiming your focus and self-worth.

  • Navigate Relationship Challenges: Identify and address personal stumbling blocks to avoid repeating familiar pitfalls in relationships.

  • Foster Self-Reliance: Build a foundation of self-trust to alleviate feelings of anxiety, frustration, and disillusionment in dating and relationships.

Course curriculum

    1. Prefer listening to classes? Subscribe to the private podcast feed

    2. Subscribe to the calendar of the classes and Q&A

    3. Readying for Love Masterclass

    4. The Compatibility Factor

    5. Overcoming Dating Anxiety

    6. Could This Be It?

    7. Available August 6th - Know Where You Stand: Intimacy and the 5 Stages of Relationships

    8.  Available September 3rd - Co-piloting Your Relationship: Embracing Healthy Boundaries

    1. Readying for Love Q&A replay

    2. The Compatibility Factor Q&A replay

    3. Overcoming Dating Anxiety Q&A replay

    1. Schedule and submission forms

    2. Know Where You Stand Q&A, Tuesday, August 20th

    3. Co-piloting Your Relationship Q&A, Tuesday, September 17th

About this course

  • £355.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content

Pricing options

Pay in full or spread your payments


  • Available now. Readying for Love. In this illuminating class, I break down what it takes to create, forge and sustain mutually fulfilling relationships so that no matter what draws you to somebody, you don’t get sidetracked from building loving, caring, trusting and respectful relationships.

  • May 7th - Are They the Right One for You?: The Compatibility Factor I’m going to break down compatibility, including core values and the importance of meeting your needs, so you can recognise who’s right and know when to walk away.

  • June 4th - Overcoming Dating Anxiety: Navigating the Early Stages with Confidence and Authenticity Through a powerful framework, you’ll learn how to navigate the early stages of dating with authenticity, vulnerability, and self-trust. Discover what you need to know to proceed and when the right time is to ask critical questions.

  • July 2nd - Could This Be It? Recognising Loving Partners and Healthy Relationships We’ll dive deep into the four essential qualities of loving partners and explore the key landmarks of healthy, thriving relationships. We’ll also address recognising warning signs you need to address something and/or incompatibility.

  • August 6th - Know Where You Stand: Intimacy and the 5 Stages of Relationships By understanding the natural progression of intimacy and the markers of each relationship stage, you’ll be empowered to communicate your needs more effectively, show up from a place of genuinely wanting your relationship to be intimate, and navigate your connections with clarity and confidence.

  • September 3rd - Co-piloting Your Relationship: Embracing Healthy Boundaries Learn the boundary basics, gain the skills and confidence to be yourself, communicate your needs, say no and express limits when necessary, and navigate conflict with grace and resilience.

  • Q&As are two weeks after each class becomes available.


Natalie Lue

I’m writer of one of the longest-running self-help, dating and relationship blogs in the world, Baggage Reclaim, and author of five books including Mr Unavailable and the Fallback Girl, The No Contact Rule, and The Joy of Saying No (Harper Horizon). I’ve spent two decades helping people who struggle with emotional unavailability, shady relationships, and settling for crumbs to break the cycle so that they reclaim themselves and experience more love, care, trust, and respect. I’ve been featured and quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Observer, BBC, ITV’s Lorraine, NPR, and many more.


  • Do I attend the class live?

    Each class is pre-recorded and made available on the advertised date by 6 pm UK time (7 pm CET, 1 pm EST, 10 am PDT). You can, however, attend Q&As live.

  • What is the format of classes?

    The class will be in a video format with captions and will also have an audio version available. If you purchase the series of six classes, the audio will version of each class will also be accessible via a private podcast feed which you can then listen to on your preferred player. e.g. Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

  • Can I ask questions?

    Yes. Each month, I host a live Q&A that’s also available on replay if you can’t make it live. You can submit your question in advance or during the session. Each Q&A session will be around 60 minutes.

  • Can you help me with my dating/relationship issue during the Q&A?

    Yes! The Q&A is to answer questions related to the classes and also to help troubleshoot and resolve issues participants are wrestling with. However, given that it’s a Q&A, it won’t be individual coaching sessions for each participant! If you want more in-depth guidance on personal matters, you can book consultation sessions with me.

  • How do I access my class(es)?

    I host all of my classes at courses.baggagereclaim.com. 24-48 hours before the class goes live, you will receive login info. You will also be notified when the pre-recorded class is available to watch. If you’ve purchased all six classes in this first series, it will be the same access details for each one. If you’ve taken another of my courses within the last three years, your login details for Relationship Fundamentals will be the same. I host all of my classes and courses here. You will still receive an email about access info before the class goes live.

  • I can’t afford the class/series but really want to do it. How do I apply for a bursary or scholarship?

    If you are unable to pay due to financial hardship, please email natalie AT baggagereclaim.com (replace AT with @) Choose the applicable subject line: ‘scholarship’ (unable to pay) or ‘bursary’ (able to pay some money). You don’t need to go into the ins and outs; I appreciate you might be going through difficulties and it’s hard when you feel as if you’ve got to lay yourself out. Just a brief note about needing to apply and which class(es) will more than suffice. You will receive a reply within 2-3 working days.

  • How do I know which class is best for me?

    Each class description in the schedule lists the core topic and the main themes the class speaks to. If you want to get an overview of how to co-create and sustain healthy, intimate, loving relationships, the first class, Readying for Love, is a great place to start. Otherwise, pick the area(s) you want to troubleshoot. Not sure? Drop me an email at natalie AT baggagereclaim.com.

  • Do I need to buy the entire series or I can I just buy the classes I need?

    Classes are available individually for £79 (approx US$100) or as the series of six for £355 (approx US$450), a saving of 25%. I’ve designed the classes to be great standalone as well as within the series. You don’t need to have watched previous or all of the classes to benefit from one. Obviously, if you feel as if dating and relationships have been a bit of a bust for you, the entire series is the ideal one to go for. Remember, each class targets a specific area of dating and relationships. Check the schedule and see which ones resonate. If there’s one that makes you want to avoid the topic, that’s probably the one you need the most!

  • I still have Reclaimer Membership. Does it include Relationship Fundamentals?

    Yes, it does. Log in to your membership, and you will see it in your dashboard.

Show up for the relationship you need, desire and deserve, starting today